Doula Services
All doula services include...
A free consultation interview
2 prenatal visits to discuss your preparation and desires for birth
Phone/Text/Email Support for your doula for questions throughout your pregnancy
Assistance in creating your Birth Vision and Plan
On-call, In-Person labor assistance once you are ready for more support and continuous support throughout your labor, birth and 1-2 hours post delivery
1 Postpartum follow-up visit at your home shortly after birth
Back-up doula support (in the event of an emergency)
Cost: $900
Postpartum/Overnight Services
If you decide that overnight support is what your family needs, the shifts will be at least 10 hours long. In that time, your doula’s goal is to help you get sleep. When I arrive, we can talk about the day and fill me in on the details of baby’s last feeding and diapering, and then you can head off to bed. During the night, as baby is hungry, I'll bring baby to you if you’re breastfeeding, or feed a bottle if you’re bottle feeding. Once baby is done eating, I’ll make sure they have burped, had a diaper change, and soothe them back to sleep. When it’s morning time, I will bring the baby to you with notes from the night. Overnight, if there are quiet tasks for me to complete, like unloading the dishwasher, washing bottles, or folding laundry, then I can do that, too. You’ll wake up refreshed and ready to enjoy another day.
Cost $350 a night ($35/hr) shift starts at 830pm-630am or 9pm-7am